When it comes to tennis, there are a few pieces of equipment you need to get started with: a perfect pair of shoes, a ball, a net. But the most significant you need that affects your performance as a player is a tennis racket. Whether you are a seasoned player, veteran, or just a beginner, having a great tennis racket can impact every set you play. There is a range of things to remember before you pick a tennis racket for yourself. Here we are going to talk about ten things that will forever change the way you look at tennis rackets!

  1. Right head size can have a paramount impact on your swing

When it comes to choosing the right tennis racket, go for a larger head size. A racket with a larger head size has a larger sweet spot (a point or area of a tennis racket where the ball should be hit for optimal results). With a huge head and a sweet spot, you can comfortably hit the ball even if your timing and stroke are not right.

  1. The best quality rackets come without strings

It might sound odd to you, but it's real. Best quality rackets come with no strings, which helps experienced players to prefer the strings to be used with the racket, and at what tension, they should be strung.

  1. Grip size has a crucial influence on your performance

Since it is the only part of the racket that you touch when playing, the size of the grip has a vital effect on your performance. The size of the tennis racket grip is theoretically more critical than any other aspect. There are six specific grip sizes, and it is essential to choose the right size grip to play the optimum tennis set and prevent any injury.

  1. Longer rackets offer more reach

Adult rackets can range anywhere from 27-29 inches, but most of them are closer to the lower end of the scale. A longer racket provides more reach on groundstrokes, added leverage on serves, and a bit more power than the average ones. Also the extra length of the longer racket results in a higher swing weight, which means that a little effort is needed to maneuver the racket.

  1. Racket with higher swingweights are harder to swing

Swingweight defines how heavy a racket feels when you swing it. Rackets with higher swingweights are harder to swing but give more power, comfort, and balance at impact. Lower swingweights are easier to swing, but they offer less balance and comfort, especially when playing against higher levels of pace.

  1. Lightweight racket is best for beginners

A perfect racket for beginners should be lighter in weight as one finds it easier to swing the racket and will be able to play for a longer time before getting tired. Once you have achieved the desired control, you might be able to switch to a bit heavier one. However, you should also not go for an extremely lightweight racket, as you may develop poor technique, like flicking your wrist.

  1. A head-light racket means more of the weight is housed in the handle.

This balance is preferred by players who spend a considerable amount of time on the net. On the other hand, the head-heavy balance places more weight on the racket head.

These frames are more cumbersome at the net, but they can provide more power and stability from the back of the court. Super-light racket are mostly head heavy to help generate strength, whereas medium-weight or heavy-duty racket are more evenly balanced or head-light for maneuverability.

  1. A significant aspect of selecting the right racket is the kind of string used on it.

Nylon strings are the most durable and the least expensive out there, but they do not cushion the ball too well and reduce the power of a swing. A common choice for beginners or intermediate players, it's economical while being easy on your arm for those concerned about injuries. Polyester is the most robust string variety available on the market. Advanced players who hit frequently and break a ton of strings gravitate towards this category of string. However, the downfall of poly strings is the stiffness, so combining it with a gut string is a common tactic to add comfort. Another choice of string is natural gut, made up of parts of a cow's intestine, which is said to have the best control and stability, and spin of all string options. The downside is that it is expensive and relatively less durable.

  1. The stiffness of a racket affects the strength of the frame

The stiffness of the racket directly affects the strength of the frame. Stiffer rackets return more impact energy to the ball, resulting in more power, whereas flexible rackets return less energy, resulting in lesser power. A stiffer frame has a spectacular sweet spot but transmits more of the shock load to the arm than a more flexible frame resulting in tennis elbow and other arm problems.

  1. The string pattern of tennis racket has a significant impact on your game

Usually, the tennis racket pattern comes in two types of patterns - the open string and the closed string. The open string one is characterized by a less crisscross and a more open string. It's designed to provide power and spinning control. The closed one is distinguished by a crosscut or intersecting style. It is best suited for directional control and stability. Both these patterns have their benefits and disadvantages; but ultimately, it is up to you to determine which fashion suits you the best.

 Now that you have a good idea about what to look for in a tennis racket, you can easily pick a tennis racket without any confusion. Check out our wide range of tennis rackets here.

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