1. Think Like Batman : Accessories Are Key

Whether your child is just starting out or has been riding scooter for years, the first rule is to make sure they wear their protections. Basic protective gear is recommended not just to prevent injuries but to improve self-confidence as well, which is essential for learning. Remind your child that they need to wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads (LINK to scooter protections) to learn how to manage falls and let you watch their tricks without worrying about nasty spills.

2. Think Like Spiderman: Find Your Balance

Just like when learning to walk or ride a bike, balance is key for your child. It helps them master their new toy and new possibilities. It is important to figure out which foot to stand on and which foot to push off with before even getting on the scooter. Once on the scooter, you should also check to make sure your child is looking ahead and not at the ground so they are aware of their surroundings and can learn to ride more naturally.

3. Think Like Ironman: Propulsion Is Essential

To improve, your child will need to learn to push off on their own without your help. The foot they use to push off with will help start off and regulate their speed. To make riding coordinated and natural, have your child start off slowly to break down each movement. Once they get started, they need to place this foot on the platform and not get too close to the wheels or ground.

4. Think Like Superman: Save The World Around You

Wherever your child rides their scooter, there will most likely be other people around. From fellow riders to other parents and passers-by, obstacles abound. Visibility and coordination are key for preventing collisions before they happen. Have your child ride slowly before gradually increasing their speed, take their time, pay attention to their surroundings and not copy others before they're ready.

5. Think Like Griezmann: Keep On Going!

Riding a scooter is not just a physical and technical sport but a mental one as well. Even when fully equipped with a clear path ahead, the first obstacle your child will have to face is their own fear. To help them feel more confident, you should be sure to encourage them. Telling them to "Hold on tight", "Try again" and "You can do it" can go a long way. Also give them room to attempt tricks and be there to support them. Don't forget: you're the spectator now.

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