You need to pay more attention to the risks of injury or cardio-vascular difficulties. The sport you chose needs to be approved by a doctor and supervised by a competent professional coach, who will decide whether you are fit enough or not. Here are five tips on how to take up sport again.

  1. Prevention Is Better Than Cure
back to sports after 60

An activity that is not controlled and managed can play some nasty tricks on you:cramp, tendinitis, sprains... Not to mention the feelings of faintness that can result from poor hydration or the cardiac risks you may incur.

  • You can avoid all this by always seeking medical advice before taking up a sport again.
  • Have a medical check and a heart test.
  • Seek advice from a professional coach.
  • A specialist opinion is essential in order to determine whether you are fit enough for such and such a sport.

  1. Warm Up Thoroughly
  • Start off by warming up before doing any sport.
  • Take 10 or 15 minutes to prepare your body for the effort to come.
  • There’s no point in creating problems for your heart, arteries, muscles and joints before you even start.
  • Trot for a few minutes at a low pace to gradually warm up the lower body, the abdominals and to prepare your heart for the effort to come. Doing so will increase the temperature of your muscles.
  • Take it gently in order to avoid feeling tired and using up your energy reserves.
  • To warm up the upper body, make circles with your arms and half-circles with your head. Do not make full circles with your head to avoid pinching a disk.
  • You should also do stretching exercises after your session to recover and avoid any aches.
  • And get enough sleep to start all over again!

  1. Work Slowly
work slowly to get back to sport after 60

One important piece of advice. Exercise at your own rhythm.

  • There is no point in trying to beat any records. Your body could make you regret it .
  • Adapt your exercise to your own level of physical fitness. Working too fast and too hard can cause injury. So always listen to your body.
  • If necessary, slow down in the course of a session, or stop for a few minutes if you feel any pain.
    Do not wait until it hurts before stopping exercising.

Also, when you take up a sport again, set off at a gentle frequency. Start off by exercising every three days, then every two days.

  1. Work On Your Breathing

Learn how to breathe properly during exercise in order to work more efficiently.

How? By trying to breathe as regularly as possible, without taking any deep gulps.

The time you take to breathe out should be twice or three times as long as the time you take to breathe in.
This is very important in order to expel the air from your lungs and breathe in normally, without getting out of breath.

  • Breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth.
  • As far as possible, avoid double breaths and allow your body to adjust to the effort required.
  • Breathe deeply between exercises or during rest periods, in order to make up for the lack of oxygen.

  1. Drink Water Regularly
drink water regularly

Did you know that the feeling of thirst diminishes with age?

This is the reason why you should always have a bottle of water at hand. If you sweat a lot during exercise, then you can lose a lot of water.

Dehydration, even unnoticed, significantly reduces muscular and physical performance. It is essential to remain well hydrated in order to limit the risk of injury.

When you are well hydrated, more blood flows to the brain, your body receives the nutrients that your muscles need to function and you recover better.

You must drink one litre of water per hour of exercise, in small, regular quantities, before, during and after the exercise.
Force yourself to drink, even if you do not feel thirsty. It is important for your body.

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