What Is Tadasana?

Considered to be the blueprint that forms the basis of all other standing postures, Tadasana is a good place to start your yoga journey from. If we go by the root meaning of Tadasana, it is derived from two Sanskrit roots; tada, meaning “tree”, another meaning being "mountain" and asana meaning "seat" or "posture."

The English name for tadasana is mountain pose; however, in Bikram yoga, it may be known also as tree pose. Tadasana is the starting and finishing position of all Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara sequences, in addition to its use as a resting pose between other more strenuous postures.

Tadasana can be both physically and mentally grounding and is often used as a means of promoting stability in the body and mind. It is believed that Tadasana helps the practitioner establish a connection with the earth. It stimulates the root chakra, symbolic of a sense of safety, security and rootedness.

Benefits Of Tadasana/Mountain Pose In Yoga 

Tadasana helps to cultivate stillness, strength and a sense of empowerment, symbolic of its namesake. As it is practised in between all other standing poses, it allows the mind and body to integrate the benefits of the previous asana whilst preparing for the next one.

A consistent yoga practice can positively influence and enhance your overall well-being. Here are some of the benefits of Tadasana. Check them out.

  • Mountain pose is the foundation for all of the standing postures and improves posture, groundedness, stability and confidence.
  • It will help your body feel better by:
    1. Building stability
    2. Improving flexibility
    3. Building strength

  • Tadasana will help you in relieving:
    1. Body pain (especially back)
    2. Sciatica; consistent practice will result in visible effects
    3. The effects of flat feet
    4. Indigestion

  • While improving on focus and balance, Tadasana also strengthens:
    1. Legs
    2. Abdomen
    3. Shoulders
    4. Vertebral column
    5. Heart

  • Deep breathing while practising Tadasana, provides strength and expansion to the lungs.
  • practising yoga can offer benefits for your emotions, mood, and mental health.
  • Highly recommended for teenagers, it is the best exercise to increase height.
  • Tadasana is great for regulating the menstrual cycle in women.
  • It develops and activates the nerves of the entire body.
  • Also, getting you started, the mountain pose helps to remove lethargy from the body.
  • Focusing on your breath, thoughts, and body while practising Tadasana enhances awareness of the present moment and promotes mental clarity.

1. Improves Posture

If you have a propensity to hunch or slump, Tadasana is a good place to start. When you practise this asana on a regular basis, you will find that your backache will subside. Your posture will improve as you learn to stand tall naturally.

2. Increases Height

Another benefit of tadasana is that you can gain a few inches if you start practising this stance early on and stay with it. Yes, this asana aids in height gain. You can ask your children to begin practising Tadasana if it's too late for you right now.

3. Boosts Mental Strength

Yoga is much more than simply exercise; it also includes meditation. This position assists you in connecting to your higher self and expanding your mental awareness. You'll feel more alert, collected, and tranquil.

4. Improves Breathing

One of the modern-day challenges we encounter is clogged lungs or the inability to breathe correctly. Tadasana benefits your lungs and allows you to take deep breaths. This also helps to cleanse your lungs.

5. Weight Loss

Another major benefit of Tadasana can be noticed if you've been trying to reduce weight but haven't been successful. Your metabolism will improve, allowing you to burn calories more quickly.

6. Boosts Energy 

Another advantage of mountain pose yoga is that it increases energy. This is due to the fact that it revitalises the mind, body, and soul.

7. Improves Mood

If you're having a rough day, try Tadasana. It can aid in the treatment of depression and the strengthening of the neurological system. Your memory will increase, and you will be able to concentrate on important tasks.

8. Relief From Sciatica

If you're suffering from sciatica, Tadasana benefits you feel better. It also aids in the prevention of such incidents in the future.

Health Conditions That Are Benefited With Tadasana

While it helps to boost mental energy and increase positive emotions, Tadasana can also be useful in treating a few health conditions like:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - It can alleviate stress and anxiety while building balance and strength. The emotional and physical benefits of Tadasana can help develop a sense of stability in people with COPD.
  • Parkinson’s disease - By building lower body strength and improving posture and balance, Tadasana can be helpful with Parkinson’s disease.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) - Mountain pose is a gentle option to reduce pain related to AS, as it helps to improve posture and increase flexibility.

Benefits Of Tadasana In Pregnancy

Helping you in aligning your body and improves balance, Tadasana is great to correct spinal alignment especially since your centre of gravity shifts with the growing baby. It will help even post-pregnancy when your body is still flexible and you are carrying your newborn.

Simply separate your feet to fall in line with your hips. Please note that pregnant people might have to distance their feet a bit more than normal. You can also add a block for additional support and to ensure you do not overstretch.

Benefits Of Tadasana For Beginners

While Tadasana is one of the most basic yoga asanas, it provides a challenge for all levels and offers several physical and emotional benefits. Mountain Pose enhances body awareness so you can correct imbalances and improve alignment, which reduces your risk of injury.

As mentioned before, it is a great start if yoga is something you want to include in your daily life. This can benefit other yoga poses as well as your daily movements. Tadasana centres your body and mind, which helps create a calm sense of inner peace. 

Step By Step Procedure To Do The Tadasana Mountain Pose

While it might seem no different from simply standing up, Tadasana is an essential pose, in which the practitioner engages in conscious awareness of muscle activation and posture. It is the posture that invokes samasthiti, a term meaning "equal or steady stance," and which is sometimes used interchangeably with tadasana.

Again, a great dive into more rigorous asanas which is why to get this one right from the start. Here’s how you can do that.

  • From a standing position, bring the feet together or Stand with feet hip-width distance apart with toes pointing forward. Another, more traditional alternative is to have the feet together with big toes touching and heels apart. The goal here is to distribute the body’s weight evenly across both feet, to connect with a sense of being centred, no matter which of either position you go forward with. Remember, no leaning forward or back.
  • To get your hips to align with your ankles, pull up the knee caps, squeeze the thighs and tuck the tailbone slightly under. The knees should not be locked, and there should be a slight engagement in the thighs and navel centre.
  • The chin should be parallel to the floor, creating a neutral curve in the cervical spine. As a result, the ears, shoulders, hips and ankles should all be in one line.
  • Now, inhale and lift out of the waist while pressing the crown of the head up towards the ceiling. You should feel your spine long and straight.
  • Exhale and drop the shoulders down and back as you reach the fingertips towards the floor.
  • You have to lift through the length of your body, ascending the crown of your head to the ceiling.
  • Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
  • Tadasana can be held for anywhere from several breaths to several minutes. With practice, you’ll be able to achieve your goals.

Gazing point for Tadasana

Different schools of yoga have different points of view regarding what the ‘Drishti’ or the gazing point during the practice of tadasana should be. Traditionally, it is at the tip of the nose.

Whilst this can help to develop concentration, some schools of yoga favour a gazing point straight ahead to maintain balance. Some even suggest closing the eyes as a means of drawing the awareness inward. You should go for what your instructor suggests and what works best for you.

Precautions To Take While Practising Tadasana

  • A person who is suffering from headaches, low blood pressure, and insomnia are advised to do this asana after consulting the yoga instructor.
  • Those suffering from low blood pressure or headaches should practice tadasana with care, and pregnant women should widen their stance as much as possible to help maintain stability.
  • Do asana as much as you easily can, do not go beyond your limitation, or do not test your capability while doing Yog asana.
  • Make sure that you align your ears, neck, shoulders, and hips above your ankles.
  • Relax your eyes, facial muscles, and throat.
  • Remember that you don’t want to stress your body so make sure to scan it for places of tightness and tension. Focus on softening these areas.
  • Common mistakes include putting most of your weight on one foot, collapsing into the arches of your feet, and turning your feet out to the side or in different directions.

Tadasana Contraindications

The contraindications for Tadasana are listed below (Mountain Pose Yoga):

Surgery and Injury

People with knee and ankle ailments should avoid Tadasana (Mountain Pose Yoga). People who have had knee, hip, or spinal surgery should avoid it as well. This position necessitates standing for a period of time, which is demanding for such persons and may result in additional injury.

Lack of Body-Breath Connections

It may be difficult for beginners to simply stand straight with their feet close together. With the help of a yoga teacher, those who don't have a strong breath-body connection can execute this posture. They might begin with Mountain Pose Yoga Wall or Mountain Pose Yoga Variation Feet Hip Wide. Another version is Mountain Pose Yoga Block Between Feet, which aids with body alignment and foot support.

Physical Strength and Weak Body

Students with weak knees and ankles should avoid entering Tadasana straight away. The yoga teacher must first instruct them on how to strengthen their knees and ankles before initiating the position. Seated Ankle Rotations strengthens the ankles, while Seated Knee Bending strengthens the knees. This position should be avoided by anybody suffering from vertigo, migraines, or low or high blood pressure. Such conditions create dizziness, and if balance is a problem, this position can cause even more agony or anguish. Knee locking might be difficult for certain people, but with Knee Exercise Knee Cap Pulled Close Up, the yoga teacher can help them.


Seniors and pregnant women may have difficulty balancing. Pregnant ladies may have an imbalance owing to the weight of the womb, and elders may experience an imbalance due to frailty, among other things. Mountain Pose Yoga Wall or Mountain Pose Yoga Variation Feet Hip Wide are acceptable choices for them. With larger feet, balance improves, and the wall support is soothing and supportive of the back.

Therapy and Restorative

Although this posture can help with herniated discs, scoliosis, and kyphosis, yoga teachers must rule out vertigo, migraine, and low or high blood pressure in these patients to avoid falling due to imbalance. Patients with this condition should be urged to practise sitting spinal exercises.

Tadasana Variations 

There are many variations of Tadasana, you can choose the variation according to your comfort level. Here are a few of them.

  • Experiment With Arm Placements - Raise your arms overhead with palms facing each other or place your hands behind your back in reverse prayer. You can also interlace your fingers and extend your arms with your palms facing forward.
  • Use A Wall - To get a feel for correct alignment, do Tadasana with your back against a wall. Gently press your shoulder blades, sacrum, and backs of heels into the wall.
  • Gomukhasana (Standing Cow Face Pose) -  Practice of this posture begins in mountain pose. To add the cow face pose (gomukhasana) arm position, one arm reaches behind and up the back while the other reaches over the shoulder and down the back with the fingers interlocking.
Tadasana Mountain Pose
  • Paschima Namaskarasana (Standing Reverse Prayer Pose) - This standing yoga asana means pashchima or ‘being behind’ and namaskara or ‘offering respect’, while the asana or ‘posture’ denotes the position.
Paschima Namaskarasana benefits
  • Utthita Tadasana (Five Pointed Star Pose) - The arms, the legs and the head are compared to the edges of the star and hence the name Five-pointed Star Pose. And as the name suggests, this is a simple standing pose, a variation of Tadasana or Mountain Pose.
utthita tadasana benefits

What Positions To Take Up Next?

Once you’ve mastered the finer points of Tadasana, you can use the same awareness and alignment principles to practice similar asanas.

  • Dandasana (Staff Pose)
  • Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
  • Savasana (Corpse Pose)
  • Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)
  • Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Frequently Asked Questions:

 1.What is the Sanskrit name for mountain pose yoga?

In Sanskrit, the mountain position is known as Tadasana - "tada" (meaning "mountain") and "asana" (meaning "pose") (meaning "pose"). All standing yoga postures including complete inversions, such as Handstand and Headstand, begin with Tadasana. It's the starting point for all other standing poses in your practice!

2. Does Tadasana increase height?

Tadasana is one of the most basic yoga poses for increasing height. All other standing asanas are built on top of it. You can do it anywhere, at any time, since it is so simple. However, after emptying your bowels, the best time to practise Tadasana is first thing in the morning.

3. What is Tadasana also known as?

Mountain stance is the English term for tadasana; nevertheless, it is also known as tree pose in Bikram yoga.

4. Which are the standing asanas?

  • Vrikshasana - The Tree Pose
  • Trikonasana - The Triangle Pose
  • Padahastasana - the Forward Bend
  • Parsvottanasana - The Side Stretch
  • Chakrasana - The Wheel Pose
  • Supta Vajrasana - The Diamond Pose

5. How many times we should do Tadasana in a day?

Tadasana is a pose that may be done at any time of day. Tadasana should be held for 10 to 20 seconds at a time. It can be done as many as 10 times in a day.

Bottom Line

While doing any asana, it’s important to focus on the stretches in your body and work on the alignment. If you feel difficulty in aligning your chin, hips and ankles while doing Tadasana, a great tip is to start by focusing on one and go from there. Slowly but surely, you’ll be able to master the mountain pose and we hope you got all the benefits of tadasana pose in yoga.

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