Regarding Face Yoga, consistency and effort are the keys to success. Facial exercises are the ideal addition to your skincare regimen, and are you willing to take the best care of your skin and keep a youthful appearance? We now understand that, in addition to skin elasticity and superficial photodamage, the physical indicators of facial ageing also include a more significant substructural volume loss of fat and muscle.

There has recently been a rise in interest among laypeople in facial exercises, or "yoga," which claim to rejuvenate the ageing face by promoting the growth of underlying muscles. We present the first clinical experiment in this paper that looked at face exercise as a method for enhancing skin appearance.


Have you ever heard of "toning" your facial muscles? Face yoga can help sculpt cheekbones just like squats strengthen glutes, according to many. Along with a glowing complexion, exercise can also leave you with a supple, plump body. Think of that post-workout glow, which lasts longer than a typical hot yoga session. 

The muscles, skin, and lymphatic system are all stimulated by massage and movements that are a part of face yoga. With the help of this technique, you can loosen up your facial muscles and feel less stressed or worried. This might encourage you to stop making facial expressions that go along with those facial expressions. This article will discuss the seven best face yoga exercises you can do daily to take care of your skin and feel beautiful and young inside and out.

What is face yoga?

Face yoga is a healthy alternative option that could result in long-lasting effects. The method targets your face, neck, and shoulders with various massages and facial exercises. Let us clarify that doing face yoga does not mean doing Shavasana or downward-facing dog poses. Facial yoga is a fancy word for facial exercise that causes your face's muscles to assume particular postures, much like yoga for the body. By raising sagging and drooping facial tissues, these exercises are intended to keep your face toned and youthful while erasing years from your appearance. 

An expert says, "the aim is to create a moment of self-care where you improve blood circulation for a healthy glow and reduce stress and tension in your face." They also advise concentrating on your general well-being.

Getting enough rest, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy diet are critical. According to the expert, holistic health and self-care are crucial for radiant skin because taking care of oneself inside will reflect on your exterior shine.

You can design a program to focus on a particular facial condition, such as crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, or frown lines. Alternatively, you may concentrate on stress, anxiety, or sleep-related disorders.

According to Collins, regular yoga practice can enable you to make lasting, beneficial changes. Many people can practise face yoga because of the accessibility of internet training. An expert can teach the method in one-on-one lessons, seminars, or courses.

You move your face frequently (smiling, laughing). An essential aspect of this technique is intention, which involves targeting specific muscle groups to strengthen them while isolating the movement. Muscles are interconnected; you must know which powers to use and how to move them.

What are the benefits of face yoga?

Face yoga could have benefits that go beyond the surface. According to practitioners, it is praised as having enormous benefits that generally act as a natural facelift and enhance well-being. There is growing evidence for these advantages.

Face yoga assists in lifting and strengthening the skin's muscles, reducing wrinkles and creases. Massage promotes lymphatic drainage, increases circulation, and relieves stress. Acupressure techniques facilitate blood flow and ease tension, aiding sinus relief, headache prevention, and better sleep. Fitness expert Collins says, "In addition to relaxing overactive muscles, face yoga exercises tone weaker muscles, which helps prevent wrinkles and sagging."

It takes months to gain the benefits of face yoga exercise. When participants do yoga regularly, they can see the resulting changes in their face fat. Face yoga may stimulate and enhance numerous mental, facial stress, and lymphatic drainage benefits, which would minimise puffiness and improve circulation while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Here are some more benefits of doing face yoga exercises:

  • Control face muscles
  • Promote proper nostril breathing
  • Firm the neckline 
  • Make your face systematically 
  • Correct sagging 
  • Sharpen the face
  • Boast confidence 
  • Control dark circles and wrinkles 
  • Generate positive emotions 
  • Reprogram muscle memory 

Which types of yoga might be better for your face?

Yoga is traditional; to perform any yoga, you must sit traditionally. Experts say, "Folds in the front help the skin look healthy by bringing new blood and oxygen." Twists tighten the side of the face and relieve stress in the neck, while back-bending movements tone and firm the front neck muscles.

You can concentrate more on your facial muscles by practising yoga slowly and holding poses for a long time. Face exercise covers treatment, Hatha, and Yin yoga. While doing yoga, Nidra, Pranayama, or Meditation, you may also focus on relaxing your facial muscles.

In the classic yoga positions, practise bringing awareness to your face. Watch your facial expressions and any tension you may be holding in there. If you furrow your brow or raise your eyebrows, you may concentrate too hard on relaxing your face.

7 yoga exercises for your face

Of course, you are willing to try it for youth-looking, aren't you? If so, here we are presenting the seven best face yoga exercises. To begin with, wash your hands and face with soap. Use an oil, serum, or cleansing balm to ensure that your skin is moist but not too slippery. Oils and serums are the best options for massaging because they absorb deep into your skin. 

  • Tension relief

These acupressure points can assist in lessening eye strain. It might help you relax during the day or before bed. Take the following actions: 

  • For 30 secs, press firmly into the corner of your eyes
  • After that, gently make a 30-second loop in one direction, 
  • Replicate going the other way. 

  • Eye circles

Boosting oxygen circulation and reducing puffiness are the results of this exercise. Ensure that your touches are light and feathery.

  • Your ring fingers should touch the middle of your brows.
  • Tap your fingertips gently in the direction of your brows' outer edges.
  • Spend a few seconds pressing into your temples.
  • Tap the area between your eyes' inner corners and your cheekbones.
  • Repeat this for 30 more seconds.

  • Brow smoother

By performing this exercise, you can relax the frontalis muscle, a sizable muscle located in the front of your forehead. There is a tendency for this muscle to become stiff and rigid and express signs of stress when it is overused.

  • Keeping your fingertips facing inward, place them at the centre of your forehead.
  • As you move your fingers toward your temples, gently press your fingertips into your forehead.
  • Let go of your finger 
  • Replicat the same process for 30 seconds. 

  • Neck massage

This exercise improves lymphatic drainage and relieves stress on the neck. It aids in lifting drooping skin on your neck and jaw.

  • Lean back your head negligibly. 
  • At the top of your neck, place your finger. 
  • Slide your fingers to the base of your collarbone and apply slight pressure.
  • For a few seconds, press against your collarbone before releasing your fingers.
  • Keep going for 30 seconds.

  • Jaw unlocker

The jaw and neck muscles are worked out during this workout.

  • Make a fist with your left hand, keeping your thumb pointing down, and place it on the outside of your jaw while seated.
  • You feel a strain on the side of your neck as you turn your head toward your hand.
  • Keep your hand from moving.
  • Then, for a short while, squeeze your jaw on your hand.
  • Gently let go.
  • Do the same on the other side.

  • Lion's breath

This breathing practice, sometimes referred to as the "Lion Pose," makes you an expert in breathing techniques. It can lower tension and relax your facial muscles easily. 

  • Lean forward while sitting and brace your hands on the floor or your knees. 
  • Inhale deeply through your nose, not through your mouth. 
  • Now, widen your mouth, extend your tongue, and direct it toward your chin. 
  • Make a "ha" sound while forcing your air out over the base of your tongue.
  • Take a deep breath and unwind.
  • Replicate up to seven times.
  • Take a minute or three to breathe deeply.

  • Face tapping

Face tapping exercises increase blood circulation and relax the facial muscles. Follow the instructions to do face tapping: 

  • Use your fingertips to tap your skin with a steady beat, starting at your forehead. 
  • Along your entire face, go toward your jaw.
  • After that, wipe your shoulders and front neck for 30-seconds. 
  • Next, move up to your head along the back of your neck.
  • Heat your palm by rubbing them with each other.
  • Put your hands over your face in a cup, and take several long, deep breaths.


Face yoga is a beautiful self-care technique that softens, stretches, and strengthens your facial muscles to improve your appearance. Feelings of serenity and confidence often accompany this outer transformation. Activating your healing power with face yoga can help you get in tune with your needs.

It is essential to practice every day to achieve the most effective results. A gentle reminder to pay attention to your needs and how you're feeling can come from scheduling time each day for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is face yoga good for?

Face yoga stimulates the lymphatic system, muscles, and skin, releasing stress-holding patterns. As a result of face yoga, we are able to break bad habits that cause tension in the body, such as furrowing the brows, tightening the shoulders, tightening the jawline, etc.

2. How long does it take for face yoga to work?

It requires around two to three weeks to do better and more effective face yoga. First, there's the drowsy expression that comes with age. Within another three months, people often start complimenting your appearance. He predicted that the skin would get softer and more elastic. Regular exercise can also "firm the jawline, elevate the corners of the lips, lift the cheekbones, and broaden the eyes."

3. Does face yoga have side effects?

Despite what some experts claim, there still needs to be more information about the side effects of face yoga. Some experts believe it can cause wrinkles, crow's feet, laugh lines, and other skin problems. Limited studies have shown that it is generally safe and may improve skin appearance. Face yoga may not be as effective as a facelift, but it is still worth considering as part of your skincare routine.

4. What do dermatologists say about face yoga?

According to a board-certified dermatologist and clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Mona Gohra states that "face yoga does not help in lessening wrinkles." "Face yoga makes the skin look more youthful by causing the skin to drape differently."

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