With the help of the following article, you will not only get to know all about how many players are there in a basketball team but you will also get to know what are the other rules and regulations and the types of basketball games played.


Basketball is hands down one of the most famous games that the world has seen ever since its first appearance during the Olympics in 1904. While there are a lot of people who are aware of this game and have been a fan of the same, there is another majority of people who are still unaware of what a basketball game is or how many players are there in a basketball team. To know about the same here is all about basketball players in a team and all about basketball games in a nutshell.

How many players are there in a basketball team?

According to the regulation that is set by NBA each basketball team that participates must consist of at least 12 players which is the minimum set number of players in a basketball team. In there will be five main players on the court at a single time with several substitutions for the game. Basketball matches will consist of two forms of playing as follows


Street basketball is also commonly called the 3x3 basketball which is a type of game used for mostly practicing. So if you are wondering about how many players are there in a basketball team then as the number indicates there will be 3 basketball players in a team and the breakdown  of the number of players in a basketball team can be provided as follows:

  • Number of players on basketball team: 3 players who are present on the court
  • Substitute basketball players in a team: 1 player
  • Assistant coach present: 2 to 3 coaches
  • Number of main trainers: 1 trainer

When it comes to this type of basketball there only needs to be 3 basketball players in a team who will actually be playing on the court.


The professional basketball game is something that is played in a proper NBA game that follows all the basic regulations set by the NBA and meets all the minimum set number of players in a basketball team. This type of basketball is quite popular and is mostly used in competitions between two teams. However, when playing professional basketball, it is important to know how many players play basketball on each team.

There is another name that can be placed for professional basketball and can be called ‘5x5 competitive basketball’. If you are wondering about how many players are there in a basketball team then the breakdown of the number of players in basketball team can be provided as follows:

  • There will be 5 players on the court
  • There will be 7 substitute basketball players on the team
  • There will be 1 trainer
  • Assistant coaches will be either 2 or 3 in number.

What are the 5 positions in basketball?

There are certain positions that are held in a basketball game along with a number of players in basketball team and this position is appointed by each member of the team. Now that you have understood how many players play basketball based on the type of game here are the positions that are maintained:

  • Point guard: This player is the one that decides how the attacks take place on the whole of the team. This person will be responsible for creating attacks. A point guard is also supposed to be the best dribbler out of all the players on a basketball team. Here the abilities to steal, and hold the ball well must be considered while selecting the position. This is the person based on how many players play basketball needs to take on most of the responsibility of hitting a ball for the team.

  • Shooting guard: This position is present all-around during the game. The shooting guard is the one that is responsible to throw the balls into the hoops. This position tends to get most of the criticism when a team loses. The shooting guard must also be smart in stopping the best throwers of the opposing team. This position will need the person to be taller than the point guard to help rebound the center. Apart from that, the player must be well aware of dribbling, throwing, and hitting the basket well.

  • Small forward: This position is quite similar to the previous position. However, most players based on how many players play basketball can exchange this position with the shooting guard position. Bu t the best dribbler will always be the shooting guard whereas the small forward will be in positions in and around the field within a 3-point line boundary. In the defensive position, this person needs to rebound and run the ball up quickly to win the ball. Most active, cunning, and someone with high physical strength and agility must be the one chosen.

  • Power forward: the power forward position is responsible to bully the opposing team members either inside or outside the penalty area. The purpose is to ease the burden on the center while the number of players in basketball team can handle other tasks. The main thing that the power forward can also play is the center position. Whenever the ball has been passed by the center this player needs to take care of the entire area under the backboard. Therefore, this position will need basketball players in a team to be able to get on the basked, compete and hold the ball based on how many players are there in basketball team.  

  • Center: The main task of the center position is to rebound and block other members. The position will need to make the opponent feel resistance inside the box. The center will be someone who has a very good height and is also strong and will depend on the number of players in basketball. These two qualities along with decisiveness and aggressiveness must be important.

How Long Is a Basketball Game?

A basketball game has various time that is involved based on the type of the game being played and based on how many players play basketball. The level of the competition and the level of the game are also important factors that decide how long the match will go on.

The following type of basketball games are normally perceived:

1. FIFA:

Based on the FIFA rules set, a basketball game will go on for 40 minutes which will be divided into 4 rounds with 10 minutes of game time. There will also be certain break times allowed between the rounds. The break time between the first and second rounds will be for 2 minutes and the second and third it will be 15 minutes break. Lastly, between the third and the fourth half, there will be 2 minutes of break.

2. NBA:

National Basketball Association which has 5 basketball players in a team will have 48 minutes of 4 halves or 12 minutes per round in a gem. The rest time between the second and the third rounds will be 15 minutes and the extra period will have 5 minutes break in between.

3. NCAA:

There will be 20 minutes of game time each round and the timing between the second and the third round will be the same as that seen in NBA games.

4. High school basketball game:

This game is one of the shortest games with rounds consisting of 8 minutes of play. The resting time will be 10 minutes between the second and third rounds with an extra time of 4 minutes.

What are the Basketball Rules Of Substitution?

There are certain basketball rules of substitutions and can be provided as follows:

  • When substitution is being made there can be more than one substitute player being sent based on the number of players in basketball team
  • Can only start substitution if the referee has approved of the basketball team players number
  • When the substitution has been completed the player who has been substituted will go on to sit in the bench area of the team where other basketball team players number is counted.
  • The maximum time allowed for a substitution change is 30 seconds and hence you need to be quick to send in the substitutions
  • Substitution players based on the basketball team players number will stand out of the touchline unless the referee has approved to enter.


While we have understood all about how many players are there in a basketball team, we need to understand that it is not just the number of basketball team players it is also about the qualities that these players consist of and how much their contribution matters. Various other people do not get counted in the team such as the head coach or the team doctor and the psychotherapists that are all part of the team.  



In a basketball game when the player has successfully thrown the ball or finished off the free throws that are available it is called a dead ball. In order to stop the game, the referee will blow the whistle.


A team will only lose if the basketball team players have committed any offensive actions. They will also immediately lose even before the match starts if the team does not consist of 5 players which is eventually based on how many players are there in basketball team.


Just like any other sport, there must be great sportsmanship in the basketball game no matter how many players are there in basketball team with other rules are as follows:

  • The basketball player or the coach has acted offensively
  • Inappropriate words or actions to go against the decision provided by the referee
  • Using tricks to stop the opponent illegally
  • If there is any fighting in the court there will be a heavy penalty
  • The opponent purposely caused injury to the other team member.
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