It involves gaining weight, ie an increase in lean mass but also fat mass.

1. Is it Easy to Gain Muscle?


Each individual has a greater or lesser capacity to gain muscle mass, and therefore to become more muscular. These characteristics are of genetic origin, so we can classify individuals according to what we call their morphotype. There are several morphotypes:

  • The endomorph: this is not the best physique for bodybuilding. This type of athlete has a thin bone structure, wide hips and narrow shoulders. They have a tendency to easily take on fat, even with a balanced diet. They easily gain weight.
  • The mesomorph: this is the ideal physique for bodybuilding. This type of athlete has a large, thick frame and broad shoulders. They are naturally muscular. They are just as capable of gaining fat as losing weight. They can easily gain muscle mass.
  • The ectomorph: this is the most unhelpful physique for bodybuilding. This type of athlete has a thin frame, is thin and not muscular, and has narrow shoulders and pelvis. They eat a lot but don’t gain weight.

    Whatever your morphotype, you can always change and make some degree of progress. However, it’s true that the performance achieved stems from the nutrition/training combination. In this way, the desired results will be obtained more or less quickly depending on the individual. Some will easily and quickly gain muscle mass while other morphotypes will not achieve the desired result.

2. What Does Gaining Mass Mean?

Gaining mass doesn’t just mean gaining muscle. It means gaining weight, that is, fat gain (body fat) and lean mass gain (muscles). It is essential to understand that gaining muscle mass must always combine training with nutrition. Indeed, it’s possible to increase mass without taking on muscle. But it’s unlikely you’ll take on muscle without taking on fat. In conclusion, taking on mass seems simple but acquiring the maximum muscle is more complicated and requires the right mix of sports nutrition and training.

3. How to Gain Muscle? Mass Gainer or Not? Do You Need Help?

To gain weight, the principle is to have a slightly high-calorie diet for a few months (2 to 4 months). Protein intake is increased as well as carbohydrate intake so that the body has all the necessary nutrients for building muscle.

This increase in mass leads to muscle growth and an increase in fat mass. So this phase is usually followed by a diet or definition period to lose accumulated fat without affecting the muscles.

This excess food lets you combine this period with muscle training that’s more frequent and more powerful than usual.

4. Why Take Mass Gainer?

To avoid changing your eating habits, mass can be gained with suitable powders such as Mass Gainer. These powders contain only proteins and carbohydrates, helping enrich your daily food intake without affecting your eating habits.

5. What Happens After The Period of Mass Gain?

A period of mass gain is usually followed by a period of muscle definition. Mass gain leads to an increase in lean body mass (muscle) but also fat mass. The fat mass of the muscle will be lost during the definition period in order to define the muscle gained during previous exercise.


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