Taking up a sport when school starts up is a rite of passage. But you might not be the only one with an opinion on the matter. Whether your child wants to stay active after a busy summer or you want them to meet new friends, we've got a few tips to help you find the right sport for your child. Which sport is right for their age? What are the benefits and which sports are best for certain personalities? Let us tell you how.

Which Sport is Right for Their Age?

First, how children learn a sport depends on their age. You can see on a daily basis how fast they pick up new skills. One of the reasons (besides the fact that your child is obviously perfect!) is that everything they learn is new to them. Learning needs to be adapted to their age. Let us explain with a little help from Karine, a physiotherapist.

help you child to choose sports

Between 3 and 6 Years

At this age, the aim is to have your child have fun while being physically active through sport.
Without pressure or competition. From dance to gymnastics, scootering or baby swim classes, the goal is to let them do a physical activity that boosts their imagination, motor skills and spatial awareness.

For toddlers, it's about focusing on movement and balance. They're still discovering their own bodies. Sports that require handling an object, like a ball or racket, or spatial notions such as left/right or up/down are still difficult at this age. Judo is great for little ones. It's a good sport for learning how to balance, being off balance, how to fall. Plus, they can learn how to interact with others as their socialisation skills are still developing.”

Their first sessions should be short and gentle, because they still need to rest as much as they do movement.

The group aspect of games and physical activity will also take some time to get used to.

Kids sports

Between 7 and 10 years

Sport: a chance to learn about rules, build lots of new skills and enjoy the mental benefits! Sports are a chance to stimulate kids' curiosity. Learning and practising several sports helps kids improve their motor skills and spatial awareness, not to mention find an activity they truly enjoy.

“At this age, children have reached their neuro-motor maturity, and can learn more complex skills, spatial concepts and strategy.” It's also an opportunity to alternate between individual sports (judo, fencing) and team sports (basketball, football, handball) to develop a variety of skills and ways to play sports.

For a little extra diversity, why not try athletics? Athletics require versatility and team training for the first few years before pinpointing a speciality. Kids can run, jump, throw and learn a wide range of other skills. “It is a sport that requires speed, balance, strength and that will help them learn to push their limits.” Among team sports, handball is a great sport that teaches many skills.

Kids basketball

From 10 years old

Your child's learning abilities are increasing in a spectacular way.

This is when they begin to perfect their technique, find sports they love and start competing.

Beyond motor skills development, which improves greatly around age 10 to 12, this is a time to discover the competitive side of sport, whether competing against others or themselves.”

This is also a time of major physical and psychological changes, and sport can be a huge ally. Team sports help kids learn to socialise and spend time with others their own age.

horse riding for kids

Which sport for which personality and the related benefits?

Have a better idea about how your child can learn a new sport based on their age? Great! But age isn't everything. Their interests, goals, temperament and personality also play a role. Let us explain.

If your child is rather independent, there's no need to force them to play team sports. Athletics or swimming are examples of well-rounded sports that develop endurance, flexibility and coordination. These sports also let kids be part of a team by participating in relays. Dancing or gymnastics improve flexibility and coordination, but also give your child a chance to express themselves physically and stimulate their imagination. There's no need to play rugby if your child is more solitary. :) Horse riding is also a great option.

For children who are not necessarily comfortable around others, animals are a good way to get them to come out of their shell. If you child has trouble concentrating, horse riding can help them focus. With an animal, there is an immediate reaction to every action.”

What sport are there?

If playing a team sport feels obvious for kids who enjoy being around others, it can also be an opportunity for more introverted children to be part of a team and break out of their shell. Football, handball, volleyball, basketball, hockey and rugby not only improve agility, coordination and endurance, but also teach children how to communicate, share and work together. Team sports are also often a first step in learning about fair play! Finally, if your child has trouble concentrating or tends to have their head in the clouds, individual sports can help them find focus, such as fencing, racket sports (tennis, table tennis, badminton) or golf.

In addition to working their agility, dexterity and coordination in a fun way, these sports help children develop their reflexes, tactical approach, imagination and ability to adapt to their opponent.

Rugby is a team sport that will help channel your child's energy while developing a sense of teamwork and respect for team-mates and opponents. It's also a sport in which players both short and tall or lean and stocky can find their place. If your child prefers individual sports, combat sports such as boxing, judo and karate can give them a way to put their energy towards a discipline-focused sport.

Choosing a sport for the right reasons

While doing sport from a young age comes with a number of physical and mental benefits, it should not become a burden. Remember these tips to keep your child happy when signing up for sport.

It is important to let your child pick a sport they like. Of course, there are always conditions to take into account (budget, availability, club location etc.), but it is unlikely that your child will be committed to a sport that is forced upon them. Their interests are not necessarily the same as yours. If you have a daughter who's into boxing and a son who likes to dance, it's best to let them be who they are!

archery for kids

If your child does not appear particularly excited by the sport, forcing them to go to football practice twice a week is probably not the best approach. Your child may be more attracted by other types of activities, such as being in nature (walking, hiking, sailing) or thrill-seeking sports (skating, BMX, rock climbing). If your child isn't highly active, target sports (billiards, darts) could give them a way to discover the joys of sport while improving their agility, coordination, imagination and tactical approach.

Finally, the available budget and time are often very important considerations to take into account when choosing a sport for your child. In France, children can do sports at school (which saves time) with a licence that costs around €20 a year.

So which sport is your child's new passion? Team or individual, martial arts or target sports? Share your kids' experiences with sport.


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