Eating properly before and during exercise is all very well, but correctly managing your recovery is even better! Often ignored, the recovery stage, in fact, plays an essential role in rehydrating, restocking your energy reserves and muscle recovery. It also aims to get rid of lactic acid.

Why is Recovery Important?

Because physical activity causes muscular and overall fatigue.

Recovery allows you to:

  • Effectively schedule workouts or competitions,
  • Improve performance progress,
  • Help prevent injury.

Priority - Hydration

After exercise, the body is in a state of dehydration that can vary in severity, but which will always occur. The level of dehydration will depend on the intensity and duration of exercise, the quality of drink consumed during exercise and the climatic conditions.

Perspiration during exercise results in a loss of water and minerals that must be replenished as quickly as possible.

Rehydration is the main aim of the recovery stage. I advise you to use a mineral water so that you will supply your body with an alkaline liquid. This will help to remove the excess acid that builds up during exercise.

recovery from exercises

Not to be Missed - The Intake of Simple Carbs 

After exercise, the energy reserves have been eaten into, and so they need to be rebuilt. This requires the quick supply of carbohydrates. It is best to replace your reserves within one hour of finishing exercising, by eating food containing carbohydrates. 2 solutions:

  • Eating foods that are made up of simple carbs: fruit pastes, nougats, dried fruits, compote
  • Consuming an energy drink

Don't Forget - Proteins

Their role is to speed up muscle repair
They should be eaten within one hour of finishing exercising.

Recovery Drink

The recovery drink aims to:

  • Rehydrate and remineralise the body
  • Restore energy reserves
  • Aid muscle recovery

It should be drunk as soon as you finish exercising.


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