Backbend pose Shalabhasana is also known as the locust pose. The two words that make up the Sanskrit name Shalabhasana are combined. Shalabh and asana are two terms that translate to "grasshopper" and "posture," respectively. Shalabhasana is an asana that strengthens the pelvic organs. It has several other advantages, but let's first discuss how to perform Shalabhasana steps.


One of the most well-known yoga poses is shalabhasana. Shalabhasana is also known as the locust pose. One of the most effective yoga poses for back bending is this one. It is an advanced yoga pose.

One of the most challenging yoga positions is salabahasana. Salabhasana might be particularly difficult or daunting for those who don't routinely practise yoga or any other form of fitness. However, with consistent work, one may master this ostensibly challenging but highly interesting stance and enjoy all of the locust pose's advantages.

For those with a rigid body structure or little flexibility, shalabhasana can be a great position. It can significantly improve their strength, flexibility, and balance. It takes some back and abdominal strength and mental stamina to maintain the pose for a few breaths.

In this post, we'll explain Shalabhasana's steps, often known as the locust position, its advantages, and the safety measures you should follow while doing it.

How To Do Shalabhasana Or Locust Pose?

It is crucial to understand proper body alignment to avoid any type of injury and get the most out of an asana. Following are the procedures for performing Shalabhasana steps properly:

  1. Keep the soles of your feet elevated while lying flat on your stomach with your legs and feet together.
  2. Depending on which of these two positions makes you feel most comfortable, place the arms under the body or leave them at your sides. Keep your hands clenched and facing down.
  3. Stretch the chin just a little bit forward. Throughout the whole practice of this pose, keep the chin flat on the floor.
  4. Gently close the eyes, relax the whole body, and inhale deeply. This is where things begin.
  5. Lift the legs as high as you can without straining gradually. Don’t bend the knees; maintain the legs straight and together.
  6. The legs are raised into an elevated position by applying pressure with the arms against the floor and squeezing the lower back muscles.
  7. Hold the final position as long as it is comfortable without putting undue strain on your body.
  8. Breathe out as you slowly lower your legs to the ground. Return to the starting point. Relax the complete body and turn the head to one side, whichever deems comfortable.
  9. Allow the heartbeat and breathing to return to normal.

Things To Remember While Practicing The Salabhasana Yoga Pose:

  1. Your shoulders should be as close to the floor as possible when executing salabhasana.
  2. Your legs should be straight and extend on the ground and raised while in the yoga pose known as salabhasana.
  3. Your toes and soles should be pointed when you are in the locust pose, salabhasana.
  4. Your abdomen should support most body parts while in a locust stance.
  5. You must be mindful of your neck when performing the yoga pose salabhasana. Avoid crunching your neck into a locust pose by maintaining an extended back of the neck and a slight chin tuck.
  6. Make sure your shoulders are not raised above your ears.

If you find this pose too tricky, an alternative stance called Ardha salabhasana evolved from the yoga pose salabhasana. One leg is raised in this posture, which has numerous advantages over Ardha salabhasana.

Precautions Related To Shalabhasana Or Locust Pose?

There are specific guidelines and safety measures for each yoga pose. Here are a few safety tips to bear in mind when executing a locust position or salabhasana.

  1. Shalabhasana should not be performed by people with sciatica, slipped discs, back injuries, or acute back discomfort.
  2. Pregnant ladies shouldn't perform shalabhasana.
  3. The practice of shalabhasana steps is not advised for those with high blood pressure or asthma.
  4. Shalabhasana should not be performed by people with hernias, peptic ulcers, intestinal tuberculosis, etc.
  5. If you have a headache, avoid performing shalabhasana.
  6. Ensure you follow the instructions for performing this asana correctly if you intend to practise the position and reap the various advantages of salabhasana.
  7. If you experience severe pain while performing the posture, stop practising shalabhasana.
  8. Salabhasana pose should not be performed if you have just undergone abdominal surgery.
  9. Before beginning your practice of the yoga pose salabhasana, always check with your doctor or physician.

What Are The Benefits Of Shalabhasana Or Locust Pose?

The benefits of salabhasana include a variety of health advantages. Here are several advantages of the locust position.

  1. The yoga position salabhasana helps to build up the body's muscles. The arms, buttocks, thighs, legs, and calves are all worked on and strengthened in the pose known as Salabhasana.
  2. Stretching the shoulders, chest, abdomen, thighs, abdominal organs, and back muscles is helpful for the Salabhasana pose.
  3. The practice of locust pose promotes healthy nerve stretching and enhances blood circulation, encouraging the flow of freshly oxygenated blood.
  4. The Salabhasana or Locust Pose improves the activity and function of the neurological system. Salabhasana, often known as the locust position, stimulates the parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system.
  5. By effectively massaging the abdominal organs, locust pose practice promotes a healthy digestive system, eases gastric discomfort, and reduces flatulence. It may also aid practitioners in overcoming a variety of diseases and disorders.
  6. Shalabhasana practice adequately presses the body's abdominal region. This may spread to some critical bodily organs, like the heart and lungs, improving their functionality.
  7. Shalabhasana benefits from adequate spinal stretching, which may help both the sacral and lumbar regions of the spine.
  8. Shalabhasana benefits the prostate and bladder.
  9. Shalabhasana benefits from fat burning and weight loss.
  10. Locust posture practice can be beneficial for treating neck pain, boosting neck strength, and fixing neck joint flaws.
  11. Practising salabhasana locust pose may help cure problems related to menstruation.

There are numerous advantages to just one locust stance. The advantages listed above are identical to those of ardha salabhasana. You must frequently practise and improve in salabhasana to receive all its benefits.


If you want to practise Salabhasana, ensure you do so correctly and without making any mistakes by adhering to the instructions. Additionally, avoid performing Salabhasana if any of the aforementioned considerations apply to you. Do inform those who desire the advantages associated with this yoga posture of the "Salabhasana benefits" and the proper approach to perform this asana.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is necessary while doing Shalabhasana?

Remaining calm and composed is of utmost importance while performing Shalabhasana. It is essential to follow every step very crucially.

How do you prepare a locust pose?

Raise your head, chest, and legs, starting with your inner thighs, while keeping your hands lightly on the mat. Roll your shoulders back and up away from the floor. Maintain an extended back of the neck and place more emphasis on elevating your sternum than your chin. Avoid clenching your glutes.

Is locust pose a heart opener?

The heart-opening pose of the locust strengthens the entire back of the body. It is the starting point for harder backbends like Wheel, Updog, and Bow.

What muscles does the locust pose strengthen?

The back and core muscles are stretched and strengthened in locust pose, increasing spinal mobility. Sitting, for example, flexes the spine while the locust stance stretches it. It opens up the chest, which can help you stand up straighter and prevent slouching.

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