In this article, we will introduce the Shambhavi mudra and the Shambhavi Mahamudra. This technique is one of my favourites since it is likely the most pleasing way to activate your third eye/Ajna chakra and gain psychic awareness.

You may access your intuition and develop psychic intuition when your third eye chakra is open. That is the essence of Shambhavi mudra.


Most meditation mudras are either closed eyes or open eyes meditation approaches. Shambhavi Mudra is one of the few Mudra that may be done with eyes partially open. However, in Shambhavi Mudra, your position is comparable to regular meditation positions. Still, instead of closing your eyes entirely, you roll your eyes toward the centre of your brows, where the third eye chakra is located. 

Learn about Shambavi Mahamudra and Shambhavi Mudra, how to do Shambhavi Mudra, and Shambhavi Mahamudra's benefits and dangers. Read More!

What is Shambhavi Mudra?

An old meditation technique, the meaning of Shambhavi mudra, is that a person concentrates their focus in the middle of their brows while rolling their eyes up and inward. The eyes stay ha;f-open, and the eyes are kept stable inside. The individual may appear to see everything, but actually, they see nothing outside. 

Shambhavi Mudra is also known as Bhrumadya Drishti in traditional yoga. In Sanskrit, the word Bhru refers to (eyebrows), Madhya refers to (centre), and Drishti refers to (eyes). The Shambhavi Mudra is often referred to as the Eyebrow Center Gazing Motion. 

8 Benefits of Shambhavi Mudra

The extensive array of Shambhavi mudra benefits has allowed this traditional style of yoga and meditation to endure for thousands of years. Although practically all types of yoga and meditation have general effects, such as improving physical and mental health, some Shambhavi Mudra benefits exist. Some of the primary benefits of the Shambhavi Mudra are listed below:

1. One of the direct benefits of Shambhavi Mudra is that it can strengthen eye muscles and relax tense muscles in the forehead. 

2. Shambhavi Mudra's eye movement corresponds to a number of the lower body's meridians. It benefits the heart, liver, and bladder indirectly.

3. The Shambhavi mudra practice improves interpersonal communication abilities, including your capacity for productive dialogue, group collaboration, and interaction.

4. You are physically and psychologically cleansed when you make the Shambhavi mudra. Mentally, it purges unhelpful, unintentional, and unconscious ideas while physically cleansing the organs of the eyes and forehead.

5. It increases one's capacity to understand others.

6. The cortisol awakening response, a unique aspect of the circadian cortisol cycle, is greater in people who have practised Shambhavi Mudra kriya. 
7. The Shambhavi Mudra stimulates the pineal gland, which in turn aids in regulating sleep cycles, cognition, and reality perception.
8. Shambhavi mudra increases theta and delta brainwaves. 

How to do Shambhavi Mudra: Shambhavi Mudra Steps 

In terms of yoga and meditation, Shambhavi mudra is quite advanced. Mastering all processes and ultimately reaching your desired results will take some time. Having practised Shambhavi mudra a few times, you'll soon be able to perform all the steps more quickly. The Shambhavi Mahamudra steps will provide you with the exact knowledge on how to do Shambhavi Mudra:

  • Sit comfortably on a mat or grass while placing your hands on your knees. 
  • It is best to put your hands in Jana Mudra's position.
  • Close your eyes, reopen them and focus your sight on the centre of your brows. 
  • Without turning your head, look up. The creator of Siddha Yoga, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa, outlined the Shambhavi mudra in his commentary on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
  • Pay attention to the middle part of your eyebrows. Meditate on it. Relax as if you were meditating. As you gaze at your eyebrows, visualise them as a V shape.
  • Chant AUM while staying focused. Gaze at the spot where the sound of OM reverberates.
  • Do not strain your eyes. A person should relax now and then.
  • Focus and continue for 5 minutes. 
  • Your gaze should remain fixed on the Ajna chakra (the middle of the eyebrows).
  • Chant AUM slowly while meditating on the sound. 
  • Make each AUM last longer. Breathe deeply through your nose. Continue for at least 21 minutes. 

So, these are the essential Shambhavi Mahamudra steps, which is easy to do and provide you with a bunch of benefits. 

Shambhavi Mudra secrets

Shambhavi Mudra is the most famous and relaxed yoga asana for meditation. The person who wants to get close to spiritual power must do this mudra. The Shambhavi Mudra secrets are successfully gentle. It can improve your vibrance and calm your mind so that you can get free from your complex thoughts. The Shambhavi Mudra secret is that when people concentrate their eyeballs on their brows, they feel light, like a feather. A lightness opens into the heart and permeates the universe from there. 

What is Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya?

A yoga kriya called Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya combines meditation and deep breathing exercises. According to studies, the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya may be a safe, all-natural method for reducing stress. When used to treat anxiety and mental problems, this pranayama is beneficial.

Shambhavi Mudra kriya for 21 minutes is a strong position that activates the parasympathetic nervous system, or third eye. Yogic breathing causes relaxation responses and opens our third eye, allowing access to our inner awareness. This mudra rules the five Karmandriyas, five Gyanendra, and four mental agencies: manas (thinking), Buddhi (intellect), Chittam (cognition), and ego (ego).

How to do Shambhavi Mahamudra: 8 Shambhavi Mahamudra Steps. 

The Shambhavi Mahamudra process is quite an evolved form of yoga and meditation. It will take time to perfect all your methods and achieve your desired outcomes. Most people want to know how to do Shambhavi Mahamudra Steps. If you are also one of them, let's dive into the section and learn more about the Shambhavi Mahamudra steps: 

1. Sit in a comfortable position such as Padmasana, Sukhasana, Sidhasana, or Swasikasana in your room or garden, wherever you feel comfortable. 

2. To do the Shambhavi Mahamudra steps, you must put your hands on your knees in the Gyan Mudra or Chin Mudra position.

3. In the Shambhavi Mahamudra process, begin to straighten your spine further and lift your head slightly to focus on your brows. You will feel the sensation in between your brows. Do not strain your focus to keep a steady vibration going. 

4. Start inhaling and exhaling slowly, and raise your eyebrows to maintain focus. 

5. Keep your eyes half-open and keep your eyeballs in one position. Initially, you may feel discomfort, but practice makes a man perfect. 

6. This way, one can first see the darkness and then slowly see the divine light. 

7. While doing the Shambhavi Mahamudra, chant AUM and breathe slowly. This relaxes your mind and soothes your soul. 

8. After doing the Shambhavi Mahamudra steps for 21 minutes, keep yourself relaxed and breathe normally. 

9 Benefits of Shambhavi Mahamudra

Shambhavi Mahamudra is a powerful kriya and energy purification technique using the breath. You can gain numerous benefits from Shamabhavii Mahamudra if you do it daily. The most essential benefit of Shambhavi Mahamudra is that it aligns your entire system, such as your physical, mental, and pranic body. Read below to know how it helps effectively.

1. When you do this, you will feel more energetic throughout the day. It is one of the most common Shambhavi Mahamudra benefits. 

2. Your emotional and mental well-being are in balance. 

3. One of the best benefits of Shambhavi Mahamudra is that it reduces menstrual problems. 

4. Shambhavi Mahamudra's benefit is that you find inner peace and happiness. 

5. Sahambhavi Mahamudra can help you focus more by practising small steps like doing one task at a time rather than three or four, as you would with multimedia. 

6. Shambhavi Mahamudra's benefits are that you will have a quality sleep and a satisfying mood.

7. To gain the Shambhavi Mahamudra benefits, you must do it for 21 minutes daily. You will get a reduction in various diseases such as headaches, colds, flu, and hypertension. 

8. Getting rid of the desire for external provocation or inebriation. 

9. It facilitates brain communication between the left and right hemispheres. 

Shambhavi Mahamudra Dangers and Side Effects

You should practise Shambhavi Mahamudra step-by-step, sit in the meditative position, and put your hands upside down. Now, place a kundalini point above the eyes on the forehead and focus on it. While you execute Shambhavi Mahamudra, maintain your focus on the Ajna Chakra. Shambhavi Mudra is an essential yoga pose. Besides cleansing both physical and mental organs, it also promotes interpersonal communication. Additionally, it enhances mental stability and concentration, which are crucial for achieving samadhi. Shambhavi Mudra indirectly stimulates the heart, liver, and urinary bladder by connecting to the lower body meridians. Migraines headaches, fatigue, and migraines are also prevented. However, there are numerous benefits. Shambhavi Mahamudra is dangerous if not done correctly. Here are the main side effects you can face: 

  • Before continuing, remove your contact lenses and glasses.
  • Holding your gaze too rigidly may cause eye problems.
  • If you have glaucoma, do not practice.
  • Don't do the Shambhavi Mudra if you've had eye surgery without consulting your doctor.
  • Headaches and vertigo may result from using the Shambhavi mudra excessively.
  • Ensure that you maintain a relaxed gaze.
  • While rehearsing, you may have phantasmagoric visions. If it happens, stop.

What is the difference between Shambhavi Mudra and Shambhavi Mahamudra?

There is a slight different between Shambhavi Mudra and Shambhavi Mahamudra as both have energising impacts on the third eye. Here are the different between Shambhavi Mudra and Shambhavi Mahamudra. Sadhguru's Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya might be a more advanced practise than basic Shambhavi Mudra. The primary emphasis of the basic Shambhavi Mudra is on looking at the middle of the eyebrows; this practise is just contemplative and does not contain any other particular techniques. 

However, in Shambhavi Mahamudra, a precise sequence of diverse yogic practises is performed for a certain amount of time to achieve a higher degree of awareness. Textual references for the Shambhavi Mudra include the Vigyan Bhairav, Rudraya Mala Tantra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Shiva Samhita. However, no traditional source specifically mentions Shambhavi Mahamudra. It is only taught through Isha Yoga Programs and is devised and preached by Sadhguru. So, this is all about the difference between Shambhavi Mudra Vs. Shambhavi Mahamudra. 


Basically, the Shambhavi mudra and Shambhavi Mahamudra are robust meditation processes. A tranquil state of mind develops as negative emotions like fear, despair, and worry are lessened. Adherents are prepared to handle difficult circumstances by viewing the issues as challenging.

It enhances memory, self-assurance, mental clarity, and willpower. Regular use of this mudra fosters the growth of a charismatic and endearing personality.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the gazing point for Shambhavi mudra?

The gazing point for the Shambhavi mudra is at the centre of your eyebrows, where you must maintain all focus during the Shambhavi Mudra. You will enhance the next level of energy, clarity, and peace once you can control the emphasis without being distracted. 

  1. Is Shambhavi Mudra dangerous?

No, Shambavi Mudra is not dangerous. It only affects you when focusing at the centre point in concretionary. 

  1. How to practice Shambhavi mudra?

The practice of Shambhavi Mudra is pretty easy; if you are a newbie to this, start with meditation for 2 to 5 minutes. After that, expand your meditation time weekly, making you perfect in Shambhavi Mudra. 

  1. What is the best time to do Shambhavi Mahamudra?

You can do the Shambahvi Mahamudra at any time, but for better results and to soothe your soul, it is best to do Shambavi Mahadura early in the morning, around 4 or 5 a.m. 

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