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Akash Us

Sport Leader Calicut, Cyclist


My passion for cycling started early in life when I was younger. My first few attempts were on my cousin's BSA Cycle. It was also the same bike that witnessed my first fall. Then came my first bike, a Hercules. When I started working in Decathlon, I finally got myself a ROCKRIDER 520 with my first savings. This was a game-changing event in my life and I hope that everyone has one.

Articles by AuthoR
6 Main Injuries Likely Caused By Cycling And It's Cures

Cycling, being one of the best stress relief sport is not actually expected to hurt you while you're riding a bike.

Akash Us
April 15, 2020
min read
Bicycle Diaries - Calicut To Bangalore

It's been like 20 years of me on this huge planet and I'm so glad to say that I haven't felt such happiness before in my life says Akash after his ride.

Akash Us
May 20, 2019
min read
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