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Allwin Jesudasan

Joint Director of the Madras Crocodile Bank, National Geographic Explorer
Conservationist, Economist, Human Geography, Animal Migration, Wetlands, Birds


A conservationist with a grounded understanding of the socio-economic drivers of change. His educational background in economics gives him a perspective that has traditionally been overlooked by conservationists.He is currently the Joint Director of the Madras Crocodile Bank/Centre for Herpetology(MCBT/CFH).

Articles by AuthoR
How to Train a Dragon - Madras Crocodile Bank

Smaug is a komodo dragon whom we acquired from the Bronx Zoo in New York in exchange for some young gharials bred at the croc bank. He arrived in the Croc Bank when he was four years old and now he is seven.

Allwin Jesudasan
November 21, 2019
min read
The fascinating Life of a Snake Rescuer

Meet Ajay Giri – the person who has set the Gold Standard for snake rescues in the world.

Allwin Jesudasan
May 20, 2019
min read
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