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Aungsumi Sinha

Communication Leader, Mountain Sports (Quechua)
Hiking, Trekking, Mountain Sports, Graphic Designing


"Coming from a place surrounded by surreal hills and forests, it's not very surprising that my family and I have always been the outdoorsy kind. My first hike was with my grandfather to the closest hill, close to my house. I was 6. It was also the first time my grandpa let me climb a steep rock, (it had crevices). I was good at climbing I guess, always managed to reach the small door on top of the shelf for sweets. :P My love for nature began early and remains undaunted. A new forest to explore is always more fascinating than anything else."""

Articles by AuthoR
Tips To Maintain Feminine Hygiene While Hiking

While hiking in the wilderness, maintaining feminine hygiene can be tough, but its not impossible. With this article, discover the different ways you can do the same.

Aungsumi Sinha
May 20, 2019
min read
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