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Yash Kumar Raj

Hill Runner + Triathlete
Running, Triathlon

- SRT Ultra: Winner (25k category), Dec 2018 - Malnad Ultra: 10th (50k Category), Oct 2018 - Kanceepuram HM: 2nd Runner-up, Oct 2018 - Chennai Triathlon: Winner (Olympic Category), Dec 2017 - Jawadhu Hill Ultra: Runner up(25k category), Aug 2017."


Yash is 28 years old, born and brought up in UP but currently living in Chennai for the past 5 years. He is a software engineer by profession but a runner (trail and hill ultras to be specific) at heart.

Articles by AuthoR
Yash on Mastering Hill Running and Triathlons

My big time goal is to represent India in Trail World Championship. It may look like a moon shot but I'm going all out to achieve it.

Yash Kumar Raj
May 20, 2019
min read
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