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Prince Attri

Sport Leader Cycling - Decathlon Sohna Road
Road Cycling, Running


Like everybody else, I started Cycling in childhood but eventually, I started to ride with a purpose. Right after I'd finished school and was looking forward to my graduation, I had a few months of free time in between which I wanted to utilize by doing something for my fitness. I started with running for about a month post which I wasn't enjoying it as much. At the same time, I bought a cycle for myself for commuting. I decided to go on morning rides starting from 10-20km and gradually moved up to 50-60km. I really enjoyed riding my bike and exploring new places along with being fit.

Articles by AuthoR
Prince Attri - How to show your bike a little love

Like everybody else, I started Cycling in childhood but eventually, I started to ride with a purpose.

Prince Attri
May 20, 2019
min read
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